BSW ICS Implementation Plan sets out approach for the future
Following the publication of the Integrated Care Strategy in May, BSW ICS has published a draft Implementation Plan which outlines how the aims set out in the strategy will be delivered across BSW over the next five years.
The purpose of the new implementation plan, which can be downloaded from the BSW ICS website, is to give local people, partners and stakeholders a clear picture of the programmes and plans that will be delivered in support of BSW ICS’s strategy.
It provides a roadmap for the next five years, uniting partners behind three strategic objectives. These are:
- Focus on prevention and early intervention
- Fairer health and wellbeing outcomes
- Excellent health and care services
The new Implementation Plan focuses on plans for 2023/24 with a high-level vision for where we want to be as a system in 2028. The plan will be refreshed annually, and more detail will be added in future publications along with milestones for future years helping partner organisations and local communities understand and track our progress as a system.
Download the new Implementation Plan here: BSW Implementation Plan
You can also download the Integrated Care Strategy (PDF, 1.72MB) and an Executive Summary (PDF 400KB) and use the feedback box to tell us what you think about it. An Easy Read version (PDF 103KB) is also available