Oliver McGowan Training – additional slots available
Additional slots for Tier 2 sessions for the Oliver McGowan mandatory Learning Disability and Autism training programme are now available. Tier 2 of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training is for people who may need to provide care and support for autistic people or people with a learning disability. This is a full-day face-to-face session.
Those wanting to register can do so by visiting the web page on the BSW Together website: Oliver McGown training
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism is named after Oliver McGowan, whose death highlighted the need for health and social care staff to have better skills, knowledge and understanding of the needs for autistic people and those with a learning disability.
The training is integral to ensuring that the health and social care workforce across BSW has the right skills and knowledge to provide, safe, compassionate and informed care which will help address the stark health and care inequalities that people with a learning disability and autistic people face.
BSW Together ICS has launched an FAQ page to support the booking process for training sessions for the new Oliver McGown Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism which can be accessed here https://bswtogether.org.uk/training-education/faqs/
Please ensure that you complete Part 1 before attending the Tier 2 training, Part 1 is E-learning and accessed here https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/the-oliver-mcgowan-mandatory-training-on-learning-disability-and-autism
For further information on Oliver’s story, visit https://www.olivermcgowan.org/