Welcome to the latest edition of #BSWTogether, a newsletter for everyone working in partner organisations in the BSW Integrated Care System (BSW Together)

It’s been a busy month across the across the Bath & North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Together Integrated Care System (BSW ICS), so why not take five minutes to read more about what’s been going on?

We start this issue looking at a great development for BSW ICS with the publication of our Integrated Care Strategy. This sets out BSW Together’s ambition as partners working across the health, social care, voluntary and other sectors to support the people of BSW to live happier and healthier for longer. It’s an important document, so do take a look.

Another important document we’ve recently published is the BSW Green Plan. In this month’s issue we look at electric vehicles and offer a chance to attend a myth-busing webinar on the subject.

There’s plenty going on in terms of training over the coming weeks, so we also look at new learning opportunities for new learning disability and autism training and an upcoming summit on Virtual Wards.

Finally, good news on the cost of living front, with an extended offer on Blue Lights discounts at Asda.

We hope you have a happy Easter break! Thank you for reading and please let us know what you think about #BSWTogether and what you’d find useful for us to cover in future issues by emailing bswicb.partnership@nhs.net