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  • 7th May 2021
  • May 2021

BSW workshop looks to address inequalities

As part of its ongoing work to address health inequalities and improve the diversity of its workforce the BSW Partnership held a workshop for system leaders in April to discuss how to deliver a comprehensive and systematic approach to tackling the issues. Attended by BSW Partnership leaders and hosted by Independent Chair Stephanie Elsy, the…


Partnership board meetings to be held in public

As part of BSW Partnership’s commitment to transparency and openness, meetings of the BSW Partnership Board will begin to take place in public this May.  The first meeting that members of the public can observe is the BSW Partnership Board scheduled for Friday 28 May between 9am and 12pm.  The BSW Partnership Board provides the…


BSW hospitals working together to tackle surgery backlog

The RUH, GWH and Salisbury hospitals have been working together to tackle paediatric surgery waiting lists in the area. The partnership initiative began in April when children who had been waiting considerable time for surgery were treated at Salisbury hospital.  As the initiative progresses over coming week, more than 400 children are expected to receive…


Partnership board responds positively to government plans for integrated care

The BSW Partnership has set out comprehensive programme of work it will tackle over the coming months in order to make further progress with its plans to integrate health and care across the local area.  The plans come in response to the recently published government white paper outlining how health and care services will be…


Virtual ward rounds at RUH

Doctors at the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust are using new technology to trial virtual ward rounds, reducing the risk of spreading COVID-19 by minimising footfall on the hospital’s wards. Patients continue to receive the same level of care and support, but doctors can speak to patients while they are in their hospital…


Land acquisition paves the way for Great Western Hospital expansion

Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has completed the purchase of 5.5 hectares of land, allowing it to take the next steps in its strategic development plans. The Trust has been able to purchase this expansion land following a successful bid for £30million of government funding in 2018. The purchase of this land creates a…


BSW Partnership launches new website, visual identity and updated Twitter presence

Following its appointment as an Integrated Care System at the end of last year, the BSW partnership started April – when every part of the country became part of an ICS – by launching a new website, updated twitter presence and visual identity.  The new website offers a one-stop shop for information about the partnership…


Covid anniversary marked across BSW

Health and care organisations across BSW took time to mark the first anniversary of the first local cases of Covid during March and reflect on the astonishing twelve months that changed the local health and care system forever.  Hospitals, local authorities, and other health and care organisations marked the anniversary in a number of ways,…