Welcome to the BSW Training and Education site.
We hope that the resources and training opportunities on these pages are useful and of interest to employers and employees across health and social care services in Banes Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW).
Education leads from across the ICS have worked together to place the service user in the centre of our priorities. As such we know that access to high quality, local, relevant training and education is essential to ensuring we can all give or service users the care they need and expect.
We also appreciate that to meet career aspirations of those working on our services access to education opportunities is essential. By gradually opening up access to education opportunities across other BSW employer we hope to in increase the range and quality of training as well as your connection to the wider ICS.
We have also collated resources that may be useful to Education staff, line managers and service leads whether development new roles such as Advanced Clinical Practitioners or Apprentices or supporting new learners, we hope that our resources will be helpful and start bring a standard approach to staff development.
Finally we also hope that you will use the contact details on this website to join us in our system wide journey and find out how you could get involved.