Update 1: 28 May 2021
The major development of the past month has been the approval by the BSW Partnership Executive of the BSW Academy business case. The Academy is set to launch later this year and will offer a number of benefits for our workforce includin genhanced career development opportunities and launch of a dedicated learning and development portal. The services provided by the BSW Academy will ultimately result in improved outcomes for local people.
Earlier this month, our partner organisations agreed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen our joint working arrangements and to support the next stage of development of our Integrated Care System. It sets out the vision and key design principles that inform how we work together as one system and describes the governance arrangements that are currently in place. This Memorandum of Understanding is now being shared with partner boards for final sign off.
Every year NHS organisations are required to develop an annual operational plan. This month we submitted a single draft operating plan to NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI). This is an integrated plan with providers and commissioners working together to align activity and financial plans and set out locally identified priorities for the coming year. We are now refining our plan to re-submit to NHSEI in early June.
In our localities of B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire, our Integrated Care Alliances (ICAs) continued to work with local partners to explore the options for local or ‘place-based’ collaboration. In Wiltshire for example there was the third in a series of development workshops for local authority, Clinical Commissioning Group, hospitals, community services and the voluntary sector to develop the vision and health and care priorities for the county. Place-based partnerships will play a critical role in improving health and wellbeing. This is where many organisations operate that are responsible for shaping the wider determinants of health and where we can build a new relationship with the public that will see them more actively involved in building healthier communities. Over the next couple of months our ICAs will be using a maturity matrix tool to help define their journey to become thriving place-based systems. By September they will each have a memorandum of understanding that sets out joint working arrangements at a place-based level.
By the end of this month we will also have drafted our ICS development plan for 2021-2022. This document plays a key role in outlining the current and future development needs of our three ICAs and ICS. One key element of this will be ensuring the safe transition of CCG staff into the new Partnership organisation.