Our approach to partnership working is reflected in a number of strategies and plans which set out our collective approach to health and care across BSW. Although some of these were published during the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) phase of our journey to integrated care, they provide insight into the way our integrated care system has developed.

BSW Together ICS Integrated Care Strategy

The BSW Integrated Care Strategy is an important document which sets out what improvements BSW Together Integrated Care System partners will deliver for local people including tackling health inequalities and delivering better, more personalised services.

It draws on elements from individual strategies that already exist and, while the ICS does not intend to replace those strategies, it will provide a summary of how these different elements will work together.

You can download the Integrated Care Strategy (PDF, 1.72MB) and an Executive Summary (PDF 400KB) and use the box here below to tell us what you think about it.

You can also download an Easy Read version (PDF 103KB)


BSW Integrated Care Strategy

BSW Together Implementation Plan 2023

The BSW Implementation Plan outlines how the aims set out in the Integrated Care Strategy will be delivered across BSW over the next five years. The purpose of the new implementation plan, which can be downloaded here, is to give local people,  partners and stakeholders a clear picture of the programmes and plans that will be delivered in support of BSW ICS’s partnership strategy.

It provides a roadmap for the next five years, uniting partners behind three strategic objectives. These are:

  • Focus on prevention and early intervention
  • Fairer health and wellbeing outcomes
  • Excellent health and care services

Download here BSW Implementation Plan

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Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Together Green Plan 2022-25

Our BSW Together Green Plan has been developed in partnership with health and social organisations across the region.

The infographic below shows our key areas of focus and the work we're planning to do.

BSW Together Green Plan 2022-25

Health and Care Model

All of the organisations that make up BSW Together are working together as a collective to improve the health and wellbeing of local people, tackle inequalities and reach better outcomes and access to services for everyone.

To help us all achieve this, we are collaborated with clinicians, staff, patients and carers from across BSW to develop our Care Model. We’ve created a short video to explain what our model is about and how it will affect our patients and people who live and work in BSW.

Our health and care model focuses on five areas – all aiming to make sure our health and care services are fit for the future to meet the needs of local people.

Watch a film about our Health and Care Model here: BSW Health and Care Model

Infographic - BSW Health and Care model

BSW Inequalities Strategy

The BSW Inequalities Strategy aims to provide a framework for system activity to reduce health inequalities. The strategy has been developed from key guidance and policy relating to reducing healthcare inequalities, as well as recognising the need for close partnership working with colleagues at a place level to address social, economic and environment determinants of health (also known as ‘wider determinants’). This strategy aims to address inequalities across the life course, to include pregnancy, children and young people, adults and into old age.

The BSW Inequalities Strategy builds a foundation for our shared understanding of health inequalities as a system, bringing together existing strategy and local data and intelligence and focusing this on the CORE20PLUS5 population. Detailed implementation plans will follow for each phase of the strategy, which include the specific actions, accountability and metrics.

Download the Inequalities Strategy here: BSW Inequalities Strategy 2021 - 2024

BSW Inequalities Strategy 2021-2024 (1)
Family eating healthily

Integrated health and care strategy - draft document for discussion (2019)

Our integrated health and care strategy was the first to bring together our joint approach to health and care provision across B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire and was developed through a process of collaboration by health and care leaders from across the BSW area.

Sustainability and Transformation Plan (2016)

In November 2016 the partners that made up the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Sustainability and transformation Partnership published a collective plan to drive greater efficiency and improvements in quality across the health and care system which is included here for reference, transparency and completeness.

Planning for the Future

What is BSW Together presentation

A short presentation for our partners and stakeholders explaining more about BSW Together.

What is BSW?

BSW Together branding and templates

If you work for one of the organisations in the BSW Partnership and need to use the brand or logo, please contact for advice at bswicb.partnership@nhs.net You can also download some of our branded elements here: