BSW Together covers an area made up of Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire. Partners in each of these locations are working together to improve health and care and have developed placed based partnerships to do this.
Each Ipartnership is made up of local doctors, hospital chief executives, clinical commissioners, council officers and patient and voluntary sector groups and will play their part in empowering people to live their best life.
By focusing attention on local communities and the services, care and wellbeing needed by the people who live in them, we can support everyone to be healthier. We want to make the most of the skills of local people, communities and organisations to support people to lead healthier lives and care for themselves and each other.
Find out more about each of our localities
Primary Care Networks
Our GP practices work with local services as 22 Primary Care Networks across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW).
In its simplest terms a primary care network is a group of GP practices working together across a defined area which services a population of between 30,000 and 50,000 people.
Primary Care Networks help to make sure that patients are supported and signposted to the health and care professional who is best placed to help – this could be a GP, pharmacist, district nurse, physiotherapist, paramedic, physician associate, as well as staff working in social care or the voluntary sector.
You can find details of each of our Primary Care Networks on the Bath and North East Somerset, Wiltshire and Swindon pages
VCSE sector
Voluntary sector organisations are important partners. We work with a wide range of voluntary and community sector organisations that help provide invaluable support to our populations and our health and care services.
The three Councils for Voluntary Services (CVS’s), also sometimes referred to as infrastructure organisations, 3sG, Voluntary Action Swindon, Wessex Community Action and Rural Action Council for Wiltshire, Community First are are working with BSW Together to ensure that the right VCSE input is sought for decisions made on a locality level through their respective place based VCSE alliances.
They are also working at BSW system level along with the Healthwatch services to ensure that the voice of the VCSE sector is represented in system level strategy.
If you are involved in a local VCSE organisation and would like to know more about how to get involved, please contact:
BaNES: Becky Brooks at 3sG
Swindon: Pam Webb at VAS
Wiltshire: Amber Skyring or Lynn Gibson