Put Maths anxiety in its place!

Some people love working with numbers, while for others it brings dread.  If you feel anxious when presented with a maths problem and you feel this is holding you back, then help is at hand.

Thanks to a new short online training session being offered by BSW Academy over the coming months, BSW Staff working in Wiltshire will be able to face their fears, hear about some new research and explore ways to address their anxiety.

Presented by Numeracy Coach Kirsty O’Neill, the 30 minute session contains no maths, but promises to help those suffering from maths anxiety to understand the issue and ‘Put it in its place’.

Sessions are held online and take place during January, February and March and are available to NHS volunteers and Employees working or living in Wiltshire.

For more information visit: Put Maths anxiety in its place!

If you would like Kirsty to offer this course in person to several staff in your organisation, feel free to contact her directly on Kirsty.oneill2@nhs.net