Salisbury Hospital share green plans with staff

Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust held a staff event recently designed to offer an update on their Green Plan, highlight the great work underway and look at future plans to help the Trust become a sustainable organisation.

The first part of the seminar provided an opportunity for each of the hospital’s Green Plan Areas of Focus Leads to provide an overview of their work so far and key priorities for the future.

Staff heard about initiatives including digitising a 16-page nursing assessment booklet which has saved on printing 94,571 A4 paper pages in the past year, installation of air quality monitoring equipment, installation of new solar arrays and panels and moving catering spend to local growers and suppliers.

The seminar also included roundtable discussions, which sparked brilliant conversations and some fantastic ideas about how to keep the momentum, increase collaboration and what could be done better.

Gemma Heath, Sustainability Manager for the Trust said:

“I am so proud to hold our first ever sustainability seminar. But I’m mostly proud of the brilliant support and enthusiasm of colleagues across the hospital who attended and showed their commitment to a greener future. Sometimes it can feel like a bit of a tough gig being a Sustainability Manager, but seeing this engagement from senior colleagues across the trust makes it worth it!”

You can find out more about sustainability initiatives at Salisbury Hospital on the SFT Sustainability twitter pager here SFT Sustainability

You can read more about sustainability and green issues across health and care services in the South West in the new issue of the South West Greener NHS Bulletin – sign up here.