The Body Coach app: free access for NHS Workers

Celebrity fitness coach Joe Wicks is offering free access for NHS workers to his Body Coach fitness app for three months.

The app offers guided, real-time workout programme based on ability, more challenging HIIT workouts and progress to get fitter, healthier and stronger.

It also offers advice on nutrition, recipes, live workouts, planning tools, event invites and access to the Body Coach Support Heroes and community to keep you motivated every step of the way.

“Regular exercise and eating nutritious meals can provide huge benefits for our physical and mental health, and through giving free app access to NHS employees, I hope I can help them to improve their health and happiness, while they’re working hard to support us,” Joe says.

If you’re currently an NHS worker and would like free access to The Body Coach app, fill in the online form using your registered, or email address.

Sign up today: Body Coach App