Toolkit and resources developed for BSW colleagues to help with End of Life care
Clinicians working together across BSW have developed a new toolkit to help health and social care staff working in all settings to identify patients that would benefit from palliative End of Life (EOL) care.
At present, we know that between 70 and 90 per cent of all deaths can be anticipated, and these patients will need palliative care. However, across BSW, only between 10 and 43 per cent of patients are recognised as palliative before they die.
In order to address this issue, Mark Luciani, Clinical Lead for Ageing Well, Frailty, Dementia and End-of-Life and Paediatric Palliative Care at BSW Integrated Care Board has worked with specialists at Dorothy House Hospice Care to develop a new End of Life Early Identification Toolkit to help consistently identify EOL patients across BSW.
Although this toolkit is aimed at primary care, many of the tools and resources are relevant to anyone working in health and social care across BSW. As well as offering practical tools, the toolkit aims to increase confidence in having conversations about death, patient wishes and advance care planning.
The toolkit can be downloaded here: BSW EOL early identification toolkit.
You can watch Mark talking about why he has developed the toolkit here: Interview with Dr Mark Luciani – Advanced Care Planning — Part of Life
Watch Mark Luciani talk about the development of the EOL toolkit here: