Workshops held on services planning to improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities
Clinicians, service transformation leads, business intelligence and estates leads from across BSW have been attending a series of workshops over recent weeks to identify where health services need to be provided to improve health and well-being and reduce health inequalities.
The BSW health and care system has been chosen as a national pilot site to use an activity-driven estate planning tool called ADEPT to help with these decisions.
The planning tool supports evidence-based estates planning and decision-making as our health and care system works together to deliver our BSW Integrated Care Model which aims to make sure our health and care services are fit for the future to meet the needs of local people.
The workshops have fed into the discussions about the future provision of services through a focus on data-evidenced understanding of local population needs, forecast population growth, clinical priorities and other areas.
More workshops are to be held over the coming weeks.