Awards now open for MPs to recognise great healthcare innovation in BSW
To recognise the amazing amount of hard, innovative and dedicated work taking place in the BSW health and care system and across the rest of the country, local Members of Parliament (MPs) from across BSW are able to nominate individuals and teams who really stand out in their roles through the 2024 NHS Parliamentary Awards.
Patients who have received outstanding or innovative healthcare in our region are encouraged to write to their MP to nominate those staff involved.
The awards have grown every year since they were established in 2018, with over 750 individuals or teams nominated by MPs last year alone.
The nomination process has been designed to make it as easy as possible for individuals and organisations to complete, and to encourage local MPs to nominate them. There are 10 categories in which you can put forward nomination suggestions to MPs. Each category will have three specific questions to guide the nominator and there is a 300-word limit for each nomination. This is a limit only; answers may be shorter.
The nomination process is open until midnight Friday, 19 April 2024.
Please submit your nomination suggestion to MPs using the correct template form[s] below, so that your MP, or their staff, have all the necessary information to hand and can easily copy it into the official nomination form, which will be on a web portal.
Nomination forms and information pack can be found below:
NHS Parliamentary Awards – Nomination Form
NHS Parliamentary Awards – Nomination Form Lifetime Achievement Award
Information pack for health and care organisations
If you are not sure who your local MP is, you can find the information here: