Covid vaccination programme continues at pace throughout BSW
Local people have continued to gain protection against infection from Covid over the past weeks as the Covid vaccination programme in BSW continues.
More than 1.2 million vaccines have been delivered since the programme began last December with 530,000 people receiving their two doses and 702,000 receiving their first.
It is estimated that a further 184,000 vaccinations are needed across BSW to get us to a point where 80 per cent of people in all age groups have had both doses, and with approximately 191,000 vaccine appointments currently booked between now and September, we remain on course to reach this target.
The next step is planning for autumn vaccine boosters to be administered at the same time as the annual flu campaign and to plan how we will vaccinate specific groups of children.
The two groups are children aged 12-15 years with specific health conditions and children and young people aged 12 years and over who are household contacts of persons (adults or children) that are immunosuppressed.
This second group is being offered the vaccine on the understanding that the main benefits are related to the potential for indirect protection of their household member who is extremely vulnerable. Please note we still await confirmed guidance from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on the vaccination approach for children.
Gill May, Director of Nursing and Quality at BSW CCG said whilst Covid infection rates are still high, the Covid vaccine is playing a critical role in reducing the number of patients who become seriously ill.
“We are seeing the numbers of people booking to have the vaccine slow down but we know there are many that could still have it, particularly the 18-30 year olds. Our job is to encourage and provide information to support people to take up the offer. Please, if you or anyone you know is still unsure, then please look at our website ( where there is information and frequently asked questions that may help in taking up the offer.”