First meeting of BSW Integrated Care Partnership focuses on developing Strategy for local people

The Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Integrated Care Partnership (BSW ICP) held its first meeting with a focus on how the Partnership will be made up and jointly develop a strategy for the benefit of local people.

The meeting, which was held in public and can be viewed online via Wiltshire Council’s YouTube channel, was chaired by BSW ICP’s Chair and Leader of Wiltshire Council, Richard Clewer.

The meeting was attended by leaders from the NHS, Local Authorities and Voluntary and Community Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector groups.

The first part of the meeting involved a discussion about which organisations from the wider BSW area would join the Partnership as it develops.

The second half of the meeting saw attendees focus on developing an Integrated Care Strategy for the people of Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire.

The BSW Integrated Care Strategy is an important document which will deliver improved health and care outcomes for our population, suggest ways to seek value for money and reduce costs, enhance productivity and tackle health inequalities.

The BSW ICP approach to developing the strategy is to build on the work undertaken on three Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) for each of the BSW areas and to co-create the strategy alongside local place-based strategies. This is an exciting proposition and sits at the heart of how we will deliver better outcomes for the people of BSW.

It will also make sure that local people have a key role in the design of the services they need now and in the future.

Further development of the strategy will take place over the coming weeks with a partner engagement event due to take place this month. Public engagement about the strategy will take place in the New Year.

The next meeting of the BSW ICP, which will offer an update on the progress of the strategy among other items, will take place on Tuesday 28 February. Please keep an eye on our website at for more information.

Richard Clewer, Chair of the BSW ICP said: “The formation of the BSW Integrated Care Partnership and the work we are starting on our Integrated Care Strategy are significant and exciting developments which allow us to look to the future and think about how we can truly improve health outcomes for local people by working in partnership with them.

The BSW ICP will not be a talking shop, rather a place where we agree and set strategic priorities and ensure we demonstrate what progress is being made to achieve those priorities.”