Get involved and attend our next ICB Board meeting in public
The next Board meeting of the BSW Integrated Care Board (ICB) will be held on Thursday 12 January 2023 at 10am.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting in person as observers. At this stage we are unable to offer a link to observe the meeting virtually.
Further information about the meeting and venue will be shared closer to the time. Please keep an eye on the BSW ICB website for more information Upcoming meetings and events.
Members of the public are encouraged to submit questions to the BSW ICB Board to be considered at the meeting. Questions can be submitted on any topic and a written answer will be read out by BSW ICB Chair Stephanie Elsy and then published on our website.
To ask your question, please email at least seven working days before the meeting.
The last meeting of the BSW ICB took place on Tuesday 1st November.
Items discussed included urgent and emergency care winter planning, governance issues, finance, children and young people safeguarding and the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on ICS colleagues.
Full minutes from the meeting will be available shortly on the BSW ICB website here: ICB documents and reports