Integrated Care Strategy sets out health and care ambitions for BSW

BSW Integrated Care System’s recently published Integrated Care Strategy sets out BSW Together’s ambition as partners working across the health, social care, voluntary and other sectors to support the people of BSW to live happier and healthier for longer.

It is a strategy for us all, not just the NHS which lays out ambitions to help those living and working in BSW to improve their health and wellbeing.

It has been informed by existing strategies, such as local authorities’ Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategies, as well as conversations with partners and the public on many different topics and in many different forums across BSW.

It provides a vision for the next five years, uniting partners behind three clear objectives. These are:

  • Focus on prevention and early intervention
  • Fairer health and wellbeing outcomes
  • Excellent health and care services

The intention is for the strategy to continue to evolve over the coming years as we hear and learn more from local people and our colleagues who deliver our services. Crucially, this strategy is not just about serving our residents, it is about working with them as active partners.

You can download the Integrated Care Strategy (PDF, 1.72MB) and an Executive Summary (PDF 400KB) and use the box below to tell us what you think about it.

You can also download an Easy Read version (PDF 103KB)