Pass on your thoughts about Swindon’s Health and Wellbeing strategy
Swindon Borough Council has recently published a draft version of its Health and Wellbeing strategy for the next 10 years, and they want to know what you think about it.
The new draft strategy – Narrowing the gap – more people spending more years in good health – A Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Swindon: 2023 – 2033 sets out the priorities for long-term improvements in people’s health and wellbeing.
The strategy builds on Swindon’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment as well as bringing together additional information from a range of sources. It also reflects the many strategies in Swindon that outline the local authorities’ different topics and priorities and provides a way of linking these under a single vision.
The strategy is available to download from Swindon Borough Council’s website and you can pass on your views about it by filling in a short survey. The deadline for comments is Friday 23 June.
Health and Wellbeing Strategy consultation | Swindon Borough Council
The Council is keen to hear from as many people as possible, so please pass this on to friends, family and colleagues.