Shaping a healthier future together – listening to your views

In The Triangle at the end of last year we told you about our plans for how we would like health and care services to work for local people in the future. We said we wanted to make sure our plans were right, so we asked local people to tell us what they thought.

After talking to lots of people at events, online and through our survey, we’ve gathered views and revised our model to reflect the feedback we’ve hears. 

The updated model sets out what health and care services will be like for people in the next ten years and will provide a framework to ensure we take a coordinated approach to how we design and plan services across our partner organisations.

Overall, 1,441 people participated in our engagement events which were held virtually and in person. Twenty one interviews were held with people from seldom-heard groups and 918 people completed our online survey. 15,000 leaflets and printed copies of the survey were distributed to GP practices, community centres and housing associations.

We want to thank everyone who gave their time and got involved in contributing to feedback which has directly influenced proposed recommendations in the new revision of the model including:

•             Digital inclusion and exclusion

•             Mental health provision

•             Workforce, recruitment, and access to services

•             Finance models

•             Vulnerable clients and their access to mainstream services

•             Role of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector

•             Role of unpaid carers, volunteers, universities, schools, and public health

The completed findings and recommendations from our Shaping a Healthier Future engagement programme are now available to view here:

The revised Health and Care Model will be uploaded here shortly.