VCSE sector groups play important role in BSW Together
Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE) groups play an important role in BSW Together and we work with a wide range of organisations that help provide invaluable support to our populations and our health and care services.
The three Councils for Voluntary Services (CVS’s), also sometimes referred to as infrastructure organisations, 3sG, Voluntary Action Swindon, Wessex Community Action and the Rural Action Council for Wiltshire, Community First are working with BSW Together to ensure that the right VCSE input is sought for decisions made on a locality level through their respective place based VCSE alliances. They are also working at BSW system level along with the Healthwatch services to ensure that the voice of the VCSE sector is represented in system level strategy.
In addition, the three Councils for Voluntary Services (CVSs) are working together at BSW system level to ensure that the voice of the VCSE sector is represented in system level strategy.
If you are involved in a local VCSE organisation and would like to know more about how to get involved, please contact:
BaNES: Becky Brooks at 3sG
Swindon: Pam Webb at VAS
Wiltshire: Amber Skyring or Lynn Gibson
We will be keeping you up to date with how we are working with VCSE organisations in future issues of The Triangle.