Young people living with diabetes needed to become local leaders

Diabetes UK are working with the Royal United Hospital in BSW on a project to redesign services for people with Type 1 Diabetes and are looking to connect with and support young people who do not currently access services. 

The initiative is part of the Our Lives, Our Choices, Our Voices UK wide programme to provide support, including peer support for young people, and Diabetes UK is currently recruiting Young Leaders from ages 16-17 and 18 – 25 years from across the region.   

The scheme supports children and young people who are living with type 1 diabetes in order to reach out to others in the region, build connections and peer support, and learn more about diabetes.
A project spokesperson said:  

“So far, we have managed to recruit 14 Young Leaders across the region, however none are from Bath and we would love to have someone from the area who can support us with the development of a frequent peer support offering” 

For more about the programme see Our Lives, Our Choices, Our Voices | Diabetes UK