These videos and leaflets aim to help patients, their families and carers understand the process of leaving hospital and the other services that are available to provide support in the community.
Planning your ongoing care and support after a stay in hospital is useful for anyone who may require some form of support after leaving hospital. Patients, families and carers can use the information as soon as someone arrives in hospital. This will help them to be fully aware of what the journey to recovery will look like so that they can start to prepare to leave hospital as soon as a patient is medically well enough.
There is also more detailed information depending on the type of support that a patient may have after a stay in hospital:
Returning home with support is for patients who will go home with new additional or the same package of support from health and social care.
Further support before returning home is for patients who may need to go into residential care in the short term, such as a rehabilitation unit, community hospital, nursing or care home.
Preparing for intensive support is for patients who may need bed-based 24-hour care or are returning to a care home.
There is also a service directory for more information on the support that you can find in your local communities to help your onward recovery.
Planning your ongoing care and support after a stay in hospital
This video and leaflet will give you more information if it looks like a patient may require some additional form of support when they leave hospital.
It contains information on your stay in hospital and what will happen when it is time to leave.
Returning home with support after a stay in hospital
This video and leaflet is for patients who will go home with new, additional or the same package of support from health and social care. This includes people needing intensive support or 24-hour care.
Further support before returning home
This leaflet and video is for patients who may need to go into residential care in the short term, such as a rehabilitation unit, community hospital, nursing or care home before returning home.
Preparing you for intensive support in a care home
This leaflet and video are for patients who may need bed-based, 24-hour care or are returning to a care home. This includes people discharged to a care home for the first time and existing care home residents returning to their care setting.
Service Directory
Useful links to services and support available in the community to help recovery after a stay in hospital.

The Caring Steps Together programme aims to improve communications around discharge from hospital.
New resources and tools help to explain to patients, families, carers and colleagues working in health and care what will happen before, during and after leaving hospital.