All material on this website is aimed at healthcare professionals working in BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire.

Members of the public seeking advice on medicine-related matters are encouraged to speak with their GP, pharmacist or nurse, or out of hours contact the NHS 111 service by telephoning 111.

PGDs produced by Public Health England and NHS England are approved for use within the BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire Practices and/or Pharmacies up until their published expiry date. Practitioners and their managers should ensure that they are working to the current PGD and have signed the relevant practitioner competence declaration for each PGD they work to.

All staff are responsible for ensuring that they work to the most up-to-date and relevant policies and procedures. This will make sure that quality of services is maintained.

PGDs produced by Public Health England and NHS England are approved for use within Wiltshire Practices and/or Pharmacies up until their published expiry date. Practitioners and their managers should ensure that they are working to the current PGD and have signed the relevant practitioner competence declaration for each PGD they work to.

All staff are responsible for ensuring that they work to the most up-to-date and relevant policies and procedures. This will make sure that quality of services is maintained.

For PGDs for immunisations in primary care, please go to

Other resources for the current season can be found at:

NHS England – South (South Central) has launched a series of local Patient Group Directions webpages:-

These webpages provide a central platform where:

  • NHS England – South (South Central) current PGDs can be accessed and downloaded
  • responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will be published
  • links to useful resources, such as the Routine Immunisation Schedule, are available

Any queries relating to the availability of PGDs for Immunisations should be directed to the NHS England Screening and Immunisations Team (0113 8251532) or 

Community Pharmacy Minor Ailment PGDs

Bath, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW) CCG have commissioned community pharmacy to deliver the following Patient Group Directions (PGDs)

  • UTIs – Females aged 16-64
  • Impetigo – Adults and children aged 2 and over
  • Hydrocortisone – Children aged 1 to 10 and use on the face in patients over 1 year
  • Chloramphenicol ointment from 31 days to under 2 years old
  • Sore Throats – Adults and children aged 5 and over

The PGD allows a pharmacist to issue a prescription only medicine (POM) in certain clinical situations without the need for a prescription

Patients can access the service via the following routes

  • Can self-present by walking into the pharmacy
  • Referred from the GP via CPCS
  • NHS111 CPCS referral

For information on pharmacists training and accreditation requirements, service specifications and to see which pharmacies can provide the service please visit

For BANES area, Avon LPC

BSW Patient Group Directions – Welcome to the Avon LPC website (

For Swindon and Wiltshire areas, Community Pharmacy Swindon & Wiltshire

BSW Commissioned Services – Community Pharmacy Swindon & Wiltshire

Comm Pharm Chloramphenicol PGD BSW (v1.4)

Comm Pharm Hydrocortisone PGD BSW (v1.3)