Bath & North East Somerset Community Dietitians, St Martins Hospital, Bath BA2 5RP, Tel: 01225 833916. Further details on this service as well as useful resources can be found here: Dietetics | Royal United Hospitals Bath

Swindon Community Dietitians, Eldene Health Centre, Swindon, SN3 3RZ

Tel: 01793 646232. Further details on this service as well as useful resources can be found here: Nutrition and Dietetics | Great Western Hospital


Wiltshire Community Dietitians, Tel: 01249 456512 Further details on this service as well as useful resources can be found here: Dietetics - Wiltshire Health and Care | Enabling people to live independent and fulfilling lives

The Medicines Optimisation Dietitian works with the Medicines Optimisation Team in BSW as well as collaborating with the dietetic teams across the three localities to promote clinically effective and cost-efficient prescribing of nutrition related products. This webpage will link mutually agreed nutrition resources useful for healthcare professionals, carers and patients.

If you have any queries about the content on the Nutrition & Dietetics section of this website, please contact us on