2000 colleagues across BSW complete training on autism and learning disability
Over 2000 colleagues from organisations across BSW have now completed a training programme to help them have a greater understanding of the challenges faced by those living with autism and learning disabilities.
Staff have completed Tier Two Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism programme which is named after a young man whose death shone a light on the need for health and social care staff to have better training so they have the knowledge to best support people with learning disability and autism.
Training has been underway since June 2023 through a BSW team made up of two Lead Trainers, eight Autism co-trainers and eight Learning Disability co-trainers.
Co-trainers involved in the programme have a lived experience of autism or learning disability which makes the training particularly powerful and insightful.
The BSW Academy initiative to roll out the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training is open to all healthcare and social care colleagues.
Tier two training is for colleagues who may need to provide care and support for autistic people or people with a learning disability and is a full day face to face session. Tier one training is for colleagues who require general awareness of the support autistic people or people with a learning disability may need, this is a one-hour online interactive session and these sessions will be available soon.
The recently expanded team delivering the training comprises of two Lead Trainers, eight Autism co-trainers and eight Learning Disability co-trainers. Co-trainers have a lived experience of autism and learning disability which makes the training particularly powerful and insightful. The team works with AWP and Swindon Advocacy Movement to recruit and support co-trainers and are keen to increase numbers, if you are interested or know anyone who may be interested in joining our team, please contact awp.patientexperienceteam@nhs.net to request further information
There are six Tier two sessions per week available across multiple venues provided by our partners across BSW, to find out more and to book a place – visit: https://bswtogether.org.uk/academy/oliver-mcgowan-mandatory-training/
Prior to booking, colleagues are required to complete part one of this training which is an E-learning module which can be accessed here https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/the-oliver-mcgowan-mandatory-training-on-learning-disability-and-autism
For further information on Oliver’s story, visit https://www.olivermcgowan.org/
How Oliver McGowan Training is helping – feedback from colleagues across BSW
“I will start to use some of the communication techniques in my practice. I will be more aware of my own interactions“
“I will ask people directly what reasonable adjustments they would like or need“
“The course helped to increase awareness – particularly of autism and help me to feel more confident in making suitable reasonable adjustments for people with autism and/ or learning difficulties“
‘I feel I have effective tools to use and know how to be more effective with patients with this diagnosis and have better empathy.”
“I have much greater awareness now of sensory impact and demand avoidance.”