BSW Integrated Care Partnership – what is it?
In August, Richard Clewer – the Leader of Wiltshire Council – was appointed as Chair of the BSW Integrated Care Partnership, a new statutory committee which makes up part of the BSW Integrated Care System.
Here at the Triangle, we’re only too aware that the formation of another health and care committee with another acronym is likely to be confusing, so here’s a brief explanation of what the ICP is and what it will do.
What is BSW Integrated Care Partnership (BSW ICP)?
The BSW ICP is a statutory committee formed by the Bath and North East Somerset Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB) that brings together a wide range of organisations and stakeholders.
Who will sit on BSW ICP?
The BSW ICP brings together the NHS, local government, the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector and other partners to focus on prevention, wider social and economic factors affecting people’s health and reducing health inequalities.
The exact membership and governance of the BSW ICP is still developing. A full list of members will be announced in due course.
What will BSW ICP do?
The BSW ICP will develop an Integrated Care Strategy for local health and care services and advocate for innovation, new approaches and improvement to the way services are provided and run.
What is an Integrated Care Strategy?
Our Integrated Care Strategy will deliver improved health and care outcomes for our population, seek value for money and reduce costs, while enhancing productivity and tackling health inequalities.
The BSW ICP approach to developing the strategy is to build on the work undertaken on the three Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) and to co-create the strategy alongside local Place-based strategies. This is an exciting proposition and sits at the heart of how we will deliver better outcomes for the people of BSW.
It will also make sure that local people have a key role in the design of the services they need now and in the future.
The Integrated Care Strategy will set the direction of the system across the area of the Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Partnership, setting out how commissioners in the NHS and local authorities, working with providers and other partners, can deliver more joined-up, preventative, and person-centred care for their whole population, across the course of their life.
The integrated care strategy presents an opportunity to do things differently to before, such as reaching beyond ‘traditional’ health and social care services to consider the wider determinants of health or joining-up health, social care and wider services.
Why is the work of the BSW ICP going to be important to me?
Our new chair Richard Clewer addressed this issue following his appointment.
“The work of the ICP and BSW Integrated Care System is going to be vital in the provision of health care, tackling of inequalities and transformation of adult social care as government reforms come into place.
Both councils and the NHS are facing serious challenges in the years ahead and we need to work closely together, particularly around the prevention of illness and health and wellbeing.”
Watch our short film about BSW ICS to find out more about how the ICP will play a part in the future development of health and care services in BSW.