Oliver McGowan training – BSW Academy Leading the way
The BSW Academy initiative to roll out the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Autism and Learning Disability is now well underway, with over 1250 colleagues completing the Tier 2 training since June 2023.
Tier 2 training is for colleagues who may need to provide care and support for autistic people or people with a learning disability, this is a full-day face-to-face session. Tier 1 training is for colleagues who require general awareness of the support autistic people or people with a learning disability may need, this is a one-hour online interactive session and these sessions will be available soon.
Leading Collaboratively
The BSW Academy initiated a steering group in October 2022 with representation from Education leads and Learning Disability and Autism service leads from all partner organisations to support the delivery of the training to health and care staff, the first system-led mandatory training programme.
The group provides expertise to guide the project, and access to vital networks – such as those where we can recruit trainers with lived experience. It also provides a point of cascade to their organisations, arranging compliance capture and promoting how to book sessions.
If you would like to find out who is attending from your organisation, please contact bswicb.bswacademy@nhs.net
The training aims to increase skills and knowledge to best support people with learning disability and autism and is delivered by a lead trainer along with trainers with lived experiences which really enhances the training
The team has received some great feedback on the training so far
“My approach will be different as a result of this training”
“Excellent delivery of training, given me a massive insight and will definitely benefit my practice”
“Having the co-presenters with lived experience was a real asset to the training, also as it added the extra layer of perspective”
“I will be more aware of the needs of people work LD and autism and how I can make reasonable adjustments when consulting with them”
“Well delivered and inclusive”
“A fantastic eye opener which will help me both in work and in private life”
There are six Tier 2 sessions per week available across multiple venues provided by our partners across BSW, to find out more and to book a place – visit: https://bswtogether.org.uk/academy/oliver-mcgowan-mandatory-training/
Prior to booking, colleagues are required to complete Part 1 of this training which is an E-learning module which can be accessed here https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/the-oliver-mcgowan-mandatory-training-on-learning-disability-and-autism
For further information on Oliver’s story, visit https://www.olivermcgowan.org/