Minor injury unit (MIU)


    MIUs are run by experienced clinicians and are available to treat non-life-threatening injuries, such as:

    • Minor cuts and lacerations
    • Dog and cat bites
    • Bruises
    • Strains and sprains
    • Simple fractures and dislocations (X-ray service usually available between 9am and 4.15pm)
    • Minor burns and scalds
    • Minor head injuries –  new increased confusion, any loss of consciousness and intoxication can not be treated in MIU
    • Minor eye injuries
    • Splinters and other foreign bodies in the skin, the eye, ear or the nose
    • Insect bites and stings

    MIUs do not treat babies under one year old and are not specifically equipped to treat more serious conditions such as:

    • Stab wounds
    • Chest pain
    • Shortness of breath
    • Confusion and change in consciousness

    If you have a non-life-threatening injury, contact NHS 111 and they will help you to get the right treatment, including arranging a time for you to visit an MIU if necessary.


    Find your local MIU