Prescribing Guidance
All material on this website is aimed at healthcare professionals working in BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire.
Members of the public seeking advice on medicine-related matters are encouraged to speak with their GP, pharmacist or nurse, or out of hours contact the NHS 111 service by telephoning 111.
Prescribing Guidance (by BNF Chapter)
All prescribing guidance is applicable to BaNES/Swindon & Wiltshire.
1 - Gastro-intestinal
Guidance for the use of Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) in Adults
BSW Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy Guidance
Bariatric Surgery and Medicines (PrescQipp Bulletin)
2 - Cardiovascular
BSW Sacubitril Valsartan for Heart Failure
Guidelines for the use of Dapagliflozin and Empagliflozin in Heart Failure
Inclisiran Guidance for Primary Care
NHS Accelerated Access Collaborative: Summary of National Guidance for Lipid Management
Finerenone tablets (Kerenia®) for treatment of CKD (3/4 albuminuria) in adults with T2DM
BSW Guidance on Prescribing of Low Molecular Weight Heparin in adults (LMWH)
INR Self Testing Guidance
Anticoagulation in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF): BSW Guidance for Prescribers
Wiltshire Compression and Lymphoedema Garments
NICE Hypertension Guidance - Patient Decision Aid
BSW Postural Hypotension Prescribing Guidelines for Primary Care
BSW Management of Subtherapeutic INRs in Patients on Vitamin K Antagonists e.g. Warfarin
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs - formerly NOACs)
BSW Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) for DVT and PE in Adults: Local Pathways
BSW Guide – Electronic Tools to Support Creatinine Clearance Calculation for DOACs
BaNES Heparin Sodium IV Flushes - Self Prescribing Guidance
3 - Respiratory
BSW Guidance on Prescribing for Hay Fever and Allergic Rhinitis
Roflumilast Guidance
COPD Guidance
BSW Asthma Guidance for Adults and Young People over 16 years
Environmental Impact of Inhalers PIL
Primary Care Guidance on the use of Rescue Packs in COPD
BSW COPD Inhaler Guide
BSW Stop Smoking Guidance
Asthma Guidance for Children and Young People (CYP) in BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire
Air Liquide Portal - for healthcare professionals
COPD Training Events - September 2015
To obtain copies of any of the above presentations from these events please e-mail
4 - CNS
Pain management documents
Pain Management supporting information: "Opioids Aware"
Lidocaine 5% Medicated Plasters Guidance for non-cancer pain in adults
BSW Primary Care Migraine Treatment Pathway for Adults
BSW Biologic Migraine Prevention Pathway in Adults
Rimegepant for treating acute migraine
Perinatal mental health
AWP Prescribing Guidance for Mental Health Prescribers and GP's in Perinatal Mental Health
Hypnotics and Anxiolytics
Benzodiazepine & Z-Drug (BZRA) Deprescribing Algorithm
Daridorexant for treating long-term insomnia
NICE - Insomnia
Other CNS condition documents
BSW Domperidone Guidance
BSW Guidelines for the use of Melatonin in Children
BSW ICB Primary Care Guidance for the use of Melatonin for Sleep Disorders in Adults with Learning Disability and Behaviour that Challenges
BSW Community Stop Smoking Guide
Medicines Information Bulletin AWP - Managing ADHD Medicine Shortages in ADULTS: Advice for Primary Care (October - December 2023)
Information on Managing ADHD Medicines Shortages (adults and paediatrics)
MHRA info: Antiepileptic drugs: new advice on switching between different manufacturers' products for a particular drug
SPS - Choosing an equivalent dose of oral Benzodiazepines
NHS England Cannabis prescribing - FAQs
AWP Procedure for Monitoring Psychotropic Medication
PrescQIPP Hot Topic; Nov 2023 - Right to Choose
Right to Choose - Frequently Asked Questions
5 - Infections
Local antibiotic guidance and leaflets
As our Antibiotic Guidance is regularly being reviewed we recommend that you DO NOT print copies, and always refer to our website for the most up date information
BSW Management of Infection Guidance for Primary Care
Management of Infection Guidance for Children in Primary Care (quick reference guide)
PHE Diagnosis of UTI: Quick Reference Guide
Management of Infection Guidance for ADULTS in Primary Care (quick reference guide)
TARGET Antibiotic Toolkit - Antimicrobial Stewardship Resource for primary care including patient information
MRSA Policy for General Practice - Infection Prevention Control
Local Microguides
Royal United Hospitals Bath Microguide
Salisbury Foundation Trust Microguide
Great Western Hospitals Microguide
Other reference information
BSW Malaria Prophylaxis
Clinical Assessment form over 65s with suspected UTI - PENDING REVIEW
BSW Acne Prescribing Guidelines – Clinical Management in Primary Care
Travel Health Pro: Malaria Prophylaxis (by country)
6 - Endocrine
BSW Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Diabetes Guideline
BSW Guidelines for Glucose Management in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes UK Factsheet for people affected by GLP-1 RA shortages
Advice for those stopping GLP1's NHS leaflet - produced by Somerset ICB and approved for use across Bath, Swindon and Wiltshire
Prescribing Incentive Scheme FY 23/24 - Review of GLP-1s as response to national shortage – Supporting information
Prescribing Incentive Scheme FY 23/24 - Review of GLP-1s as response to national shortage – Information for Practices
GLP-1 Stock Shortage - Patient Information Leaflet with cover letter
GLP-1 Stock Shortage - Patient Information Leaflet without cover letter
Wessex LMCs: Care of Transgender and Non-binary Patients in Primary Care
BSW HRT Formulary Treatment Options
BSW Prescribing Information for Relugolix-Estradiol-Norethisterone Acetate (Ryeqo®) for Treatment of Uterine Fibroids
Oral Semaglutide (Rybelsus) Prescribing Guidance
LHRH use in Men with Prostate Cancer
Initiating SGLT2 inhibitors for Adults in Type 2 Diabetes
Sodium Glucose Co-Transporters-2 Inhibitors (SGLT-2i) Comparison Chart – Diabetes Nurse Specialist Forum UK
Sharps Disposal and Prescribing Sharps Bins on FP10
BSW Insulin Formulary
Postural hypotension prescribing guidelines for primary care
7 - Obs, Gyn and UT
Guidelines for the Pharmacological Management of Overactive Bladder Disease in Adults in Primary Care
BSW ICB Erectile Dysfunction - Primary Care Prescribing Guidance
8 - Malignant disease and Immunosuppression
Relugolix (Orgovyx®) tablets for prostate cancer
Currently no guidance
9 - Nutrition and Blood
BSW Pathway for use of Ferric Maltol (Feraccru®)
BSW ICB Position Statement on Prescribing Dessert-Style Oral Nutritional Supplements
Oral Nutrition Formulary
Making the most of your food - information for patients
BNSSG Health Community's Prescribing Guidance - Renavit
Guide to Malnutrition Screening and Oral Nutritional Supplements (ONS) Prescribing for Adults
Treatment of Vitamin D Deficiency in Adults
BSW Primary Care Guidelines for the Pharmacological Management of Vitamin B12 deficiency in Adults
Nourishing drinks - information for patients
Management of Bleeding Malignant Fungating Wounds in Palliative Care Patients in the Hospital and Community Guideline
10 - Musculoskeletal
NICE: Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Adults
11 - Eye
BaNES and Wiltshire Pharmacological Management of Glaucoma in Primary Care
UKOPG Clinical Guidance: Ophthalmic Special Order Products
Included here for information. Please note: BSW has not reviewed the products in the specials list and therefore, the traffic light status in the document should be ignored. If you are asked to prescribe any specials in this document, please email
BSW Prescribing Guidelines for Dry Eye
12 - Ear, Nose and Oropharynx
13 - Skin
BSW Emollient Prescribing Guidelines for Adults and Children
Quick Guide - First Line Emollients
Guidelines for the Management of Actinic (solar) keratosis
MRSA Policy for General Practice - Infection Prevention Control
Wiltshire Scar Oils and Gels
Acne Prescribing Guidelines - Clinical Management in Primary Care
Eflornithine Position Statement
BSW Moisture Associated Skin Damage (MASD) Pathway A
BSW Incontinence Skin Care Pathway B
14 - Immunological Products and Vaccines
For queries regarding immunisations and vaccines, please contact the NHS England Area Team via email: or call 0113 8251500.
For PGDs please go to:
15 - Anaesthesia
Currently no guidance
16 - Paediatrics
BSW Guidelines for the use of Melatonin in Children
Oxford Health Guideline for the Treatment of Depression in Children and Adolescents - approved for BSW
Guidance to support the continued prescribing of SSRIs in primary care in children for the treatment of depression - approved for BSW
Proton-Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) for Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) in Paediatric Patients
Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation for pre-term and small for gestational age (SGA) infants
19 - Woundcare
This material is intended for Healthcare Professionals and may contain graphic, medical images which some individuals may find upsetting.