What is an Annual Health Check
A Learning Disability Annual Health Check is free for everyone over the age of 14 who is on their doctor’s learning disability register. You can have an Annual Health check each year.
An annual health check can help you stay well by talking to a doctor or nurse about your health and finding any problems early, so they can be sorted out.
You do not have to be ill to have a health check – in fact, most people have their annual health check when they are feeling well.
How do I get an Annual Health Check
All people over the age of 14 with a learning disability is entitled to a free health check. You do need to be on your doctor’s learning disability register,
Learning Disability register is a list of people with a learning disability that the doctor’s surgery looks after. To get onto the learning disability register contact your GP Practice.
Once added to your GP Practice’s Learning Disability register you can contact your GP Practice to arrange your appointment.
When booking your appointment, you can talk to your GP Practice about reasonable adjustment, such as:
- using pictures, large print or simpler words to say what's happening
- booking longer appointments or having a carer with you
- putting an appointment at the beginning or end of the day, if you find it hard to be in a busy waiting room
Each year you should receive a reminder from your GP Practice about your Annual Health Check.
What Happens at an Annual Health Check
You might see different health professionals. These might include a doctor, a pharmacist, a nurse or a healthcare assistant. They have all had extra training to be able to do the health checks.
A Health professional may:
- Check things about your body, like your heart and blood pressure.
- Ask about any medicines you are taking.
- Ask about the food you eat.
- Check your blood and your wee.
- Ask about how you are feeling.
Why is a health check every year important
Sometimes people with a learning disability don’t realise they have a health problem which could put them at risk of serious long-term illness.
Having a health check each year can help:
- Learn about how to stay health and fit
- Catch illnesses before they become serious
- Get help and advice when needed form the right person.
- Learn how to look after themselves more so they stay independent and healthy.
Need more information?
If you would like more information on Annual Health Checks:
Mencap website offers support and resources about Annual Health Checks (link https://www.mencap.org.uk/easyread/annual-health-checks)
NHS website with further detail on annual health checks (Learning disabilities - Annual health checks - NHS (www.nhs.uk))