Leadership pillar icon


Promoting inclusive and compassionate leadership through organisational development interventions, development programmes and talent management


The leadership pillar will bring together resource, expertise and sharing of best practice from across BSW partners to develop and offer leadership development, support and coaching opportunities for all staff.

It aims to equip our health and care leaders with enhanced knowledge and skills for working in complex, changing environments and as part of a system where collaboration across organisational boundaries is necessary for a thriving system and great place to work.

Priorities for leadership

Develop and implement leadership programmes that embed a consistent and united model of leadership.

Launch a network of structural dynamic facilitators creating increased partner access to capability and capacity to support organisational development and change.

Create and implement a sustainable model for talent management and coaching.

Share local, regional, and national leadership development opportunities and best practice case studies.

Optimise opportunities of working with the Southwest Leadership Academy.

Identify and apply a consistent approach for the evaluation of leadership development.

Embed clinical and care professional leadership throughout leadership development programmes and as part of the BSW Academy’s decision-making process.

BSW Academy logo

Leadership as part of the BSW Academy will enable BSW partners to commission and gain support, consultancy and expertise whilst developing information sharing, decision-making processes and disciplines for learning that enable effective leadership. The focus on leadership also aims to support the future direction for new ways of working and at scale change involved in system working.
BSW Academy will work with the NHS Leadership Academy and external agencies to maximise leadership opportunities for health and care staff across BSW.