How are we addressing inequalities in BSW?
This section contains more information on how we plan to address inequality in BSW. There is a recorded presentation that outlines what the BSW Inequalities Strategy is and how it can help all staff to act on inequalities within their scope. Public Health and the NHS work in close partnership to reduce inequalities, including the significant factors that influence inequality outside of the healthcare system. There are also three short presentations in this section that cover: what is public health, the public health workforce and ‘Making Every Contact Count’, also known as ‘MECC’.
BSW Inequalities Strategy
Find out more and download the BSW Inequalities Strategy
BSW Inequalities Strategy recorded presentation
Understanding public health
PH Introduction Part 1
PH Introduction Part 2
Making Every Contact Count (MECC)
Introduction to MECC: PowerPoint
MECC Training courses
Introduction to MECC PowerPoint
MECC BSW video
Children and Young People